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Pop Vox – Penrith Con’s new youth pop ensemble

Think Pentatonix. Think Pitch Perfect. Join Pop Vox.

Join Penrith Con’s youth contemporary vocal ensemble for 13-19 year olds for the opportunity to sing alongside other talented upcoming vocalists. Singing arrangements of popular favourites from your contribution, work together with your peers to create your own sounds. Learn the craft of singing in a small ensemble, blending work as well as solo skills within a group.

This will be an ensemble featuring an array of works from contemporary artists, re-arranged, mashed up, and delivered back to our audience with a high level of vocal artistry. You will develop your stage craft as you strive towards public performance opportunities and become the vocal student showcase for Penrith Conservatorium.

We invite all young vocalists to join! Depending on enrolments, separate male and female groups will be formed.

Interested? Submit your EOI and video audition here! Limited places.


Audition requirements:

  • Video of 2 contrasting songs in the pop genre unaccompanied:

Simply film yourself on your phone/device and include the link of your Dropbox/GDrive/OneDrive/Youtube/digital file on the EOI form


Email it to conservatorium@penrith.city


  • General age range accepted: 13-21 (exceptions can be made on a case-by-case scenario)

When: Thursdays 6pm – 7:30pm (1.5hrs)

Dates:   Term 2: 16 May to 4 Jul (8 weeks)

Term 3: 8 Aug to 26 Sep (8 weeks)

Term 4: 24 Oct to 12 Dec (8 weeks)

Cost:      $179 per 8 week term


Click here for more information.