Work Experience and Placement

Work Experience and Placement

Are you young and passionate about pursuing a career in the performing arts? Get a taste for the arts industry and gain key practical experience with The Joan’s Work Experience and Work Placement programs.

Both initiatives provide students behind-the-scenes insights into the workings of an arts organisation. During their placement, students will have the opportunity to work alongside our team of experienced arts professionals from a range of different areas including creative, production, marketing and technical.

  • Work Experience is available for Year 10 students. Successful applicants complete a standard work week onsite during school term times. This program gives students an introduction into the nature of a professional arts environment, allowing them to link and implement classroom learning to real-life situations in the arts industry. Many students find Work Experience assists them in choosing their elective subjects for their Senior School years.
  • Work Placement is available for Year 12, Vocational Educational Training (VET) and Tertiary students. Hours are flexible and tailored to the individual student’s workplace suitability. This block placement enables the student to gain a more thorough understanding of The Joan’s inner workings and further extend their skills through exclusive opportunities. For instance, helping the team backstage prepare for a show.

These programs are a fantastic way to discover the practicalities of the workplace, attain valuable life skills, develop arts skills and deepen your love of the arts.

Experiences will vary for students depending on which team they are working with and what is happening at The Joan during their placement.

Interested in Applying?

Applications are now open! Students are encouraged to contact their School Careers Advisor.

Applications are assessed on a case-by-case basis. The Joan is committed to creating an inclusive workplace which reflects the community we serve. We welcome and encourage applications from young people regardless of gender, ethnicity, cultural background, disability or sexual orientation.

For all Work Experience enquiries please contact

Application Form

Can’t see the form below? Click here to fill it out.